Hi Everyone!
Here is a post that is long past due. You may have noticed that only silence has come from this blog for awhile. The good news? Carina Press is publishing my fantasy book, Altered Destiny, under my real name. The bad news? I just don't have time to give my full attention to two blogs, two (really four) emails, etc. Some of you know writing is just part of being a writer. Even editing is only part of being a writer. So, I've decided to turn my attention toward my fantasy books. These are not erotic books, but I think some of you may like them anyway. ; )
I can't express how wonderful you all have been, or how much your support has meant to me and what a bitter sweet decision this has been.
That's not to say I won't be on here occasionally. I have a guest lined up for you later this month. : )
So let me introduce myself to you. My name (why do I want to say Inigo Montoya?) is Shawna Thomas. Ah heck, that's not even true. My name is Shawna Guzman, but as I signed the publishing contract before I got married, I write under my maiden name, Shawna Thomas.
You can find me here or, every other Tuesday, here.
I'd love if you came by to say hi! I will miss you all, so please, don't be strangers!
Under the Covers with Shoshanna Evers
Jul 2011

Please help me welcome Shoshanna Evers to Under the Covers with Lynne. First important question. Silk, satin, cotton, flannel. What is your sheet of choice and why?
Shoshanna: Cotton. I’m a practical kind of gal. In the winter, I’d prefer flannel, but unfortunately I don’t own any flannel sheets. I’ll add that to my wish list!Cotton it is! I’ll scoot over *pats mattress* Let’s get comfortable. Calories don’t count. What snacks will we be munching on tonight
Shoshanna: As far as I’m concerned, calories *never* count. When I feel like eating something, I eat it! But if it’s midnight, I’ll probably be drinking lemonade and rummaging for leftovers in the fridge.
Oh, my husband just introduced me to lemonade. I love it. While I whip up a snack, let’s play a game. Truth or dare?
Shoshanna: Good question! I always used to pick truth when I was a kid. Then if the question was embarrassing I’d just make something up, LOL.
That’s Dare Truth or Not. ; ) Okay. Did you ever pick dare?
Shoshanna: Oh, I just remembered one! The dare was to kiss the pizza guy when he showed up with the pizza for the slumber party. I think I was about thirteen years old, and fortunately for the pizza guy, I backed out at the last minute.
Okay. Now truth. Tell us something not very many people know.
Shoshanna: Ack! Okay, now I’ll have to tell you something without making it up, since I just copped to doing that as a kid. Hmmm. I have a smoky quartz taped to the back of my cell phone to help absorb some of the electromagnetic energy from the phone.
What are you usually wearing at three o’clock in the morning?
Shoshanna: This answer is not as exciting as it should be. In the summer I wear cotton shorts and a T-shirt, and socks. In the winter I wear fleece sweat pants, a long sleeve shirt, and a flannel shirt over that. And socks. My feet are always cold, no matter the weather.
It's not always the packaging. Sometimes it's the present. Besides. I can sympathize. I'm a sock girl too! Let’s get down to business. What surprised you the most about the publishing process?
Shoshanna: I think what surprised me most was that I ended up getting published long before I found a literary agent (Courtney Miller-Callihan of Sanford J Greenburger Associates, who I recently signed with, yay!). I also underestimated just how much time it takes before a book goes from my hands to the reader’s, LOL
Congratulations on your agent! Yup and you thought writing it was the hard part. ; ) Tell us about your newest release.
Shoshanna: My latest release is Chastity Belt, an erotic romance novella from Ellora’s Cave.
Chastity Belt Blurb:
Georgia Hearn has found the perfect way to make easy cash—performing an interactive BDSM-flavored stage show at the exclusive Gentlemen’s Club. When handsome GC client Jonathan Syler goes up onstage and locks her into a chastity belt, it’s all supposed to be part of the fun. But Jonathan makes it clear he won’t be unlocking her anytime soon.
Now she’s at his mercy—and has no choice but to see him again, since he holds the key to her pleasure. Literally.
Reader’s Advisory: This book contains a hot girl-on-girl tease and denial scene and some F/F/M action.
Here’s Chastity Belt at Ellora’s Cave.
You have another new release too?
Shoshanna: I have a new release with The Wild Rose Press as well. Taste of Candy is an erotic romance novella with a touch of BDSM as well.
Taste of Candy Blurb:
Candace “Candy” Bryce can’t believe her luck when she wins a dinner date with Dave Roads, the lead singer of a hot new band. Not only is he a drop dead gorgeous rock star, but after she lets it slip that she's never been able to reach orgasm with a man, he seems bent on giving Candy what she needs. Who knew all it would take is a little "tie me up," a few toys and Dave's merciless desire for a Taste of Candy?
Here’s Taste of Candy at The Wild Rose Press “Wilder Roses” site:
And where can we find you?
Website: http://www.shoshannaevers.com/
Blog: http://www.thewriterschallenge.com/
Email shoshanna.evers@yahoo.com
and follow me on Twitter
and friend me on Facebook
About Shoshanna Evers:
Multi-published romance author Shoshanna Evers writes for Ellora's Cave, The Wild Rose Press, and (in December 2011) Cleis Press and Berkley/Jove. When she's not writing hot romance, she's a stay-at-home mom, a weekly advice columnist for a couple of local newspapers, and a registered nurse every other weekend. Her favorite thing to do is cuddle up with a good book...and her husband.
Shoshanna lives with her family and four dogs in a lakefront cottage in upstate New York. She welcomes emails from readers and writers.
Chastity Belt,
Shoshanna Evers,
Taste of Candy,
Under the Covers
Posted by
Shawna Thomas

Don't usually like to turn my blogs into rants
Jul 2011
but today... where is that soapbox? Okay.
Well, apparently, I have a stalker.
You see, I spent all day Friday in court. My ex wanted his child support reduced. Again. Guess the last time we went in and they raised it... and he refused my offer to keep it as is (way under guidelines) (he instead decided instead to march out of the courtroom) didn't work for him. This time he came with proof that I'm hiding thousands and thousands of dollars... because you know, we writers make bank. (sarcasm intended) (my apologies to writers who really do make bank)
I have to say, I was curious about the proof. Below, please find proof that I signed a 40 thousand dollar contract with Samhain.
*Throwing confetti*
The Wild Rose Press offered a contract to Rendezvous, now known as Hooking Up, which is a short story close to my heart. I am so excited to work with my editor at TWRP again. In a word, she's awesome.
And *drum roll please* Samhain offerred a contract to Creative License a 40K novella that is also near and dear to my heart. The hero in Creative License is one of the yummiest I've ever written.
I'm a little nervous... this is a whole new ball game. But I'm taking one step at a time.
Some of you know it's been a long, dry period creatively for me and these contracts... well, they're like confirmation that I made the right choice.
I'll keep you all up to date
Um... did you catch that?
The scary part. He had a stack of papers 3 inches thick with blogs, tweets (?) and whatever all printed out and highlighted.
I never corrected him. Didn't really have the chance... but boy, I wonder if Carina press knows they owe me 104 K... as I just signed a full-length novel with them.
And just in case you're curious. After spending 2 hours explaining EVERY deposit for the last 12 months. His child support was lowered by $100.
Well, apparently, I have a stalker.
You see, I spent all day Friday in court. My ex wanted his child support reduced. Again. Guess the last time we went in and they raised it... and he refused my offer to keep it as is (way under guidelines) (he instead decided instead to march out of the courtroom) didn't work for him. This time he came with proof that I'm hiding thousands and thousands of dollars... because you know, we writers make bank. (sarcasm intended) (my apologies to writers who really do make bank)
I have to say, I was curious about the proof. Below, please find proof that I signed a 40 thousand dollar contract with Samhain.
*Throwing confetti*
The Wild Rose Press offered a contract to Rendezvous, now known as Hooking Up, which is a short story close to my heart. I am so excited to work with my editor at TWRP again. In a word, she's awesome.
And *drum roll please* Samhain offerred a contract to Creative License a 40K novella that is also near and dear to my heart. The hero in Creative License is one of the yummiest I've ever written.
I'm a little nervous... this is a whole new ball game. But I'm taking one step at a time.
Some of you know it's been a long, dry period creatively for me and these contracts... well, they're like confirmation that I made the right choice.
I'll keep you all up to date
Um... did you catch that?
The scary part. He had a stack of papers 3 inches thick with blogs, tweets (?) and whatever all printed out and highlighted.
I never corrected him. Didn't really have the chance... but boy, I wonder if Carina press knows they owe me 104 K... as I just signed a full-length novel with them.
And just in case you're curious. After spending 2 hours explaining EVERY deposit for the last 12 months. His child support was lowered by $100.
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