Seriously Reviewed gave AFTER HOURS a 18 out of 20! That's not bad. Heck, that's pretty good! Yay!
In case any of your were worried, I am feeling a lot better. I'm still coughing and tire easily, but I've got this virus on the run. I plan to spend the days between Christmas and New Year writing.
What do you all plan to do?
Awww Lynne, I'm sorry babes!
I feel your pain. I got the headcold in my stocking as well. Ugh.
Awesome review. I just bought it before xmas. I hope to read it this week when it calms down @ the house.
Congrats on the great review! Have fun writing!
Congratulations Lynne. Well deserved!! Hope you're feeling better...
Congratulations, Lynne! Such a great, well-deserved review! I'm not the least bit surprised. ;)
Hope you had a nice Christmas and very glad to hear you're feeling better!
Awesomeness! What a fantastic review. You must be pumped!
Tara, I hope you're feeling better! Enjoy AFTER HOURS! ; )
Emma, Thanks. It's like exercizing muscles not often in use. At first it's a little painful, and then it gets fun! I'm entering the fun part now.
Thank you, Kaily! I am feeling better. Just a lingering cough.
Cari, you say the nicest things. : ) Thanks!
Catherine, Yes, pumped. Ready to get another one out there. : )
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