Letting you do all the work.

I scheduled a blog post today. It’s written on my calendar to-do list in red ink. Number 6. I mean it’s about time, right? The problem? I have no idea what to write. This is technically a writing blog so I should educate you in some manner, but I’m not feeling very scholarly, or, quite frankly, that I have all that much to share you don’t already know.

I could entertain you in some way… but damn it, I’m tired.

So instead of staring at that damn blinking cursor—do they make it blink so we don’t lose it on the page? Because yunno, missing cursers could be a problem, or did someone, somewhere think ‘hey a black blinking line on a white page will really irritate writers'—I digress.

Instead of staring at that damn thing, I decided to read your blogs and you know what? You guys rock!

--a side note, I’m not any better at reading blogs than I am writing them… 358 on my Google Reader—

Here’s a few highlights:

Helen Hardt has the most gorgeous hunks on her blog. Yesterday, she had one of my favorite pictures. Why is it my favorite? Oh go look, honey. You’ll see why.

Cari Quinn has a release day for her new book Ex Appeal (yay) and she has an awesome interview with Kay Manro, author of Forbidden Love.

Catherine Bybee has a wonderful blog post on Top Ramen vs Steak. LOL No really, it’s an awesome post on the business of writing.

And now that you talented, entertaining writers have done my job for me, I’m… grabbing a cup of coffee and reading a book. : P