Bianca Swan is probably one of the most patient and kind writers I’ve met in quite a while. Recently, she raked me over my own coals. Today I get the chance to return the favor. Gently of course. ; )
Welcome to Under the Covers with Lynne. First important question. Silk, satin, cotton, flannel. What is your sheet of choice and why? Silk. I love the way it feels against the skin, so well, silky and cool.

Well, Bianca, you know how to plan a menu. That sounds perfect! When playing truth or dare, would you pick truth or dare? Dare. I like taking chances.
So what’s the most daring thing you’ve ever done? I’d blush to disclose. So I’ll tell the truth.
That’s cheating but okay. Tell us something not very many people know. Not many people who know the real me know that I write erotica as well as paranormal romance. A true secret is that I dream of meeting a tall, blond, handsome pianist with blue eyes. Know anyone like that?
We’re comfy now but what are you usually wearing at three o’clock in the morning? Usually at 3 AM, I’m asleep—unless my muse wakes me up to write—and I’d only be wearing (ahem) panties. If I were awake writing, I’d be wrapped in a white cotton, waffle-print robe with slippers. I have marble floors and they can be a bit chilly.
How would you describe your writing style? Lush, I suppose. If I’m not careful, I can get lost in purple prose. I also very much like to write in first person. As to writing method, I’m a pantster. I usually start with one character demanding that I tell his story, most often the hero, as I tend to write better heroes than heroines.
Would it surprise you that I’m pretty sure not one of my past guests has been, or admitted to being, a plotter. Maybe romance writers are free spirits who fly on the winds of imagination. (I can purple prose when I’m not careful too!) _What surprised you the most about the publishing process? The length of the rocky road. Perserverence lost its meaning as I trudged through rejections. The journey seemed all uphill, both ways. When I made my first sale, I could scarcely believe it. The constant rejections wear on confidence in our writing. I wonder if other writers are as insecure about the words they put to paper as I am. I’m a closet perfectionist!
Amen! I have to close that closet door or I won’t write a thing. I live by the axiom you can’t edit a blank page.
Who is your favorite character in your novels? The hero in Celestial Sin, my recent release from The Wild Rose Press, Wilder Catalog. Cam-ael is an angel of the Order of the Powers. The Powers were the first angels created and patrol the perilous border between First and Second Heavens, resisting the efforts of Demons to take control of the World. He is very honest and brave but innocent of worldly pleasures—which is his downfall.
And it's no wonder. Here's her inspiration for the hero of Celestial Sin.
If you could have lunch with one writer, who would it be? Oscar Wilde. I love his wit and humor. Both quotes in my signature blocks are Wilde. And he was such an interesting and controversial person. I would also love to have lunch with George Sand (Chopin’s lady love) and the Duke of Windsor (Edward VIII who abdicated to marry the woman he loved). I’m reading his memoirs at the moment.
You are a romantic! What is your favorite part of being a romance writer? Being able to weave romance into every love story.
Least favorite? The MUST that there be conflict between the hero and heroine. I know I wouldn’t have a story without it, but sometimes they just really love each other from the beginning.
Gotta torture them a little. Part of the jog. ; ) What would you consider a romantic date? Dinner by the ocean, a walk along the beach then my date would play piano for me, preferably Claire de Lune.
What is the best pick-up line someone has ever tried on you? Did it work? At the reenactment of the Battle of Worcester (English Civil War) in Staunton, VA, an English voice asked, “Are you a Cavalier or a Roundhead?” It worked!
You’ve given us a taste, please tell us more about your newest release. Celestial Sin is a story I’ve wanted to write for sometime. About 10 years ago, I started toying with the idea of writing a book about the Grigori, the angels who fell in love with mortal women and sired the Nephilim. I did write a book about Azazel, one of the leaders of the Grigori, but it hasn’t yet sold, and there are now many stories about the Grigori and the Nephilim. In Celestial Sin, the hero hasn’t yet fallen when he meets the heroine, and he must deal with temptation as well as the knowledge of the consequences should he succumb to her charms.
Here is the blurb: Early on Essie McBane set her standards high and waited for true love. She never expected the answer to her prayer to literally fall from heaven in the shape of a warrior angel with chestnut curls and a heavenly body. As much as she'd love to teach the divine creature a thing or two about sex and lust, can she be responsible for leading him into temptation?
Sinfully handsome Cam-ael, an angel , is wounded in the second war between heaven and hell and plummets into Essie’s arms. But Cam knows he must return eventually, no matter how much he likes the material pleasures of earth. Not to mention those he's found with Essie. But when a demon locates his hiding place and his mortal feelings for Essie, will Cam learn the true meaning of the word sacrifice?
Whoa, Essie, he’s an angel and a lot younger than you.
His feathers rustled as he unbuckled the fastenings under his arms and bent to place the armor on the floor. What did his ass, hidden by sleek white wings, look like? My, my, he was just too much for a girl to resist. She gave in to temptation, stroked the shiny, soft feathers. He backed into the caress, and a long sigh escaped him.
“That feels incredible.” His voice came husky, and butterflies hatched in her stomach.
It had been a long time since she’d felt belly tugs or the fire of passion licking through her, but when she touched him, the world as she’d known it ceased to exist. He untied the leather tunic and stepped out of it. His wings drooped. He swayed on his feet. She felt guilty as hell, lusting after an angel too weak to stand.
Shakily, he turned to face her. Ginger hair spattered his chest, drew a thin line down his stomach, disappearing in the V-neck of the robe he wore beneath his armor. The loose shirt was thigh-length. The fabric appeared to be linen but with a subtle sheen.
“I’m afraid I can’t remove this.” He lifted a fold of the toga, giving her a tempting glimpse of his upper thigh, very near his cock. “I’m wearing nothing beneath.”
Do you have anything in the works? I’m working on another fallen angel story, this one called I, Lucifer, told in first person from his POV.
What is your favorite season? Spring. Summers in Houston are far too hot and humid. I’m a sports car nut and love to drive top down, so Spring it is.
A sports car nut? If you could have any car, which would it be? An Aston Martin Vanquish S convertible – black on black!
Classy! Who is your favorite actor? Johnny Depp, I guess.
You guess? o_O Sorry. Johnny Depp fan. ; ) Who is your favorite actress? Michelle Pfeiffer
What is a movie you could watch over and over? Tombstone, The Phantom of the Opera and The Libertine
Let's put the Libertine on while I make us a drink. What is your favorite alcoholic drink? Either a Cosmopolitan or Bombay Sapphire gin and tonic.
Last question. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? I’d love to live on The Battery in Charleston, South Carolina. I love the history of Charleston and the beautiful houses that face the Atlantic on The Battery. So buy LOTS of books. The price tag is in the millions.
You heard her! Go check out Bianca’s books and help a writer live her dream. : )
Where can we find you? My blog or my web site. You can follow Linda Nightingale (the real me!) on Facebook, MySpace or on Twitter. I also blog frequently at The Pink Fuzzy Slippers Writers.
Thank you so much for guesting today, Bianca!
Funny you should want to write about Nephilims. I just watched a series of shows about just those and the Grigori, and Azazel. It was very interesting, but I forget the name of it.
You book sounds amazing. I hope you someday get your dream house! But hopefully it won't cost me a contribution this time since I'm hoping for a free read! ;)
Calisa, thanks for stopping by! Was the name of the series The Fallen? If not, I hope you remember. I'd love to see it.
Fun interview ladies! Bianca not only do we share a love of Spring in Houston (perfect convertible weather), but also a love of the Aston Martin and Johnny Depp. *Sigh* Congrats on the latest story.
Emma, an Aston Martin in spring and Johnny Depp in the passenger seat. Yum!
Great interview. Tombstone is one hell of a movie. And in your undies...nice one. Hey whenever it strikes, right?
Take it of Cam-ael take it off!
Oh sorry got carried away with the excerpt.
Linda you are an author!!!
Harlie, Is your screen name a play on Harley?? :-) I have watched Tombstone a lot of times and love Doc Holliday. I'm your Huckleberry!
Harlie won the download of Celestial Sin. Hope you enjoy! And thanks to everyone who took the time to visit.
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