Here's a sneak peak at the blurb:

So grab a cup of coffee, your favorite snack, sit back and learn a little more about Cari and her work.

How would you describe your writing style?
Quirky, sexy and snarky. Actually, I'd probably say “weird” rather than quirky, because I tend to insert strange things into my stories in the name of character development. But quirky sounds better, right?
Quirky sounds awesome. What inspired you to start writing?
I started reading early and always loved books. By second grade, I was writing Bible stories my teacher would hang on the wall. Being the center of attention back then was addictive, though I now shy away from it. After that, I was pretty much always writing. I remember plotting out a children's book with a friend in 4th grade. Shockingly, we didn't get beyond the plotting stage.
That’s further than many 4th graders get. How did your friends/relatives react when you told them you wanted to be a writer?
I never really made a secret of it. Truthfully, writing has been a part of me my entire life. In high school, my stories were passed around by my friends. By and large, everyone's been supportive. And most people who know me would agree I do better working for myself. I'm not too good with showing up to work early in the morning, though I do. Hopefully one day I won't have to.
What is the best piece of advice on writing you’ve ever received?
Don't quit. That really sums it all up. You could quit right before you land that first contract, so don't do it. Not if it really matters to you.
That is great advice! What kind of goals to you set for yourself when writing? Word count? Page count?
To finish the book. I'm not good with hemming myself in with “goals.” I sure try. I set them and try to meet them, but by day two I've usually wandered off to do anything but write. So my goal is always the same. Finish the book. Sometimes that takes a couple months. Sometimes a couple years. I work on a lot of projects at once, so I tend to finish a bunch in batches too.
Do you listen to music while you write?
Yes. If I had my way, I'd live to music. You know how a soundtrack accompanies the big dramatic moment in TV shows and movies? I'd love that. My first love was music, and it's the one thing I need more than writing. It fuels the stories I concoct in my head, and I've gotten in the habit of doing playlists for each book. And hoo boy, is my taste eclectic. It's not unusual for me to have 30 Seconds to Mars, Loreena McKennitt, Jo Dee Messina and TuPac Shakur on one playlist. Actually, that's pretty much my norm.
That is eclectic. Tell us about your newest release.
Ex Appeal, my novella out today from The Wild Rose Press's Scarlet Roses, is about Ty and Jenny, two people who are still very much in love with each other despite breaking up a month before the story opens. Neither of them are happy about the breakup. Actually, both are miserable. Jenny's tired of their lackluster sex life, but Ty didn't seem willing to change that. But when Ty posts his profile on Hunk Du Jour, the dating site where Jenny works as the websmistress, all bets are off. Both decide to lay what they need on the line. The only question is if there's some way to make those needs mesh...but they definitely have some fun while they're finding out.
You know I love this book! Do you have anything in the works?
Oh yeah. At one point recently, I had 10 WIPs, and I'm pretty sure that number hasn't gone down. Right now, my four main stories are all erotic stories, two shorter novellas and two longer stories that may end up being novels the way they're going. One of them is Giving It Up, the third and final Hunk Du Jour story about Haley, Holly from Full Disclosure's younger sister. She's tons of fun to write. And I'm also gearing up for my first release from Ellora's Cave, Personal Research. Hope to have a release date for that one soon.
If you could have lunch with one writer, who would it be?
Hmm, tough one. It's a choice between la Nora and Jeaniene Frost, my two favorite authors. I think I'm going to go with Jeaniene, because I'm a total fangirl of hers. Plus she seems like an awesome person.
Oh I’d have to join you in the Jeaniene Frost fan club. What is your favorite thing to eat?
My favorite thing is Mexican food. Quesadillas, nachos, fajitas – love 'em all. Chili's is my go-to place when I need a pick-me-up.
You know, I've never been to Chilis. What is your favorite season?
Fall, by far. I love September and October in NY. The changing leaves, the scents, the pumpkins, the anticipation in the air. And that Halloween (my favorite holiday) is smack dab in the middle of it only makes it that much better!
Who is your favorite actor?
Jack Nicholson. Love him.

He's as quirky as they come, which works for me!
Who is your favorite band or singer?
Fleetwood Mac. Lots of others I love too, but they've been my favorite since high school, along with The Eagles. But Fleetwood Mac has several things The Eagles do not. Namely, Lindsey Buckingham on guitar and Stevie Nicks' amazing vocals. Lindsey also looks pretty damn good in leather pants, which I say after thoroughly checking him out on the cover of Say You Will just this morning.
LOL. I’ve loved Fleetwood Mac since I was a little girl. I still have them in my favorites file... In fact, I think I’ll listen to them now. What is your favorite song?
Don't Fear The Reaper. Remember that thing about my writing being weird? Well, shockingly, I'm a bit different too.
By Blue Oyster Cult? Love that song. When I was a little girl I wanted to write the story about what happens in the song.
Anime and BOC... ; ) The sound quality was better on this video.
What is a movie you could watch over and over?
Halloween, the original. I'm a huge fan of 70s horror flicks and this has been my favorite movie since I was young. Yep, I snuck out of bed to watch horror movies in the middle of the night. And though I often had nightmares, I never had one after watching movies. Guess the horror in my head's all self-created.
What is your favorite non-alcoholic drink?

Coffee. Hot, cold, bring it on! It's my fuel for all those early mornings at work and late nights at the computer.
Yay for coffee! What is your favorite alcoholic drink?
Margaritas. They're a new obsession with me, but I like them without the salt.
Makes sense as they're yummy with Mexican food. Have them put sugar on the rim... yum.
Okay, time for something more personal, have you ever had a one-night stand?
Ha, I wish. Unfortunately I'm about the polar opposite from most of my characters. I can overthink going out for pizza, so no-strings sex violates my stringent overthink clause. But I have fun writing about many-night stands in my books!
What is the craziest or most unusual place you’ve had sex?
I'd have to say in a bedroom where my boyfriend's best friend and mom were sleeping in beds across the room. And not far across the room. We're talking a couple feet. We were staying at a friend's, and sleeping arrangements were tight. But hey, gotta do what you gotta do!
Thank you so much, Cari. Where can we find you?
In my head, most of the time. Oh, you mean where on the web? Well, I'm on Twitter and Facebook (under the shockingly original name of Cari Quinn) and I have my own blog I also share a blog with my fabulous CP, Taryn Elliot, Word Wenches. And if you're not sick of me yet, we're starting a group blog with a bunch of talented romance authors called Romancing The Muses, which will be launching soon. Not only that, I'm doing a website. A very basic website. Finally! Call me anything, but don't call me early.
And to tempt you further, here is the excerpt for Ex Appeal by Cari Quinn:
Ty inhaled deeply. His head swam at the scent that filled his nostrils, an aroma that was all Jenny. His fingers clenched on the doorframe above his head as he took in the sight of her lying nude on the bed. God, she was beautiful. Her golden skin glowed under the track lighting, and her wet pink lips pursed as she concentrated on what she was doing. The pain that had seized him moments ago when he'd walked in the unlocked door and heard her moans coming from the bedroom faded away in a flood of lust.
He couldn’t stop the sound that escaped him. Part groan, part growl, all need. Her gaze swung toward the door, her pupils widening until her hazel irises all but disappeared. He met her eyes briefly, electrically, before he deliberately shifted his attention back between her thighs.
Abruptly, her movements stilled.
They stared at each other in silent challenge. Her flushed face reddened even more, the color inching all the way up to her hairline. She’d always been a blusher, but he hadn’t seen that reaction from her in too many years to count. It had been a long time since he’d flustered her, and he liked it.
For a moment, neither of them moved. Hello, awkward. But in spite of the strained circumstance of their reunion, he only wanted one thing.
For her to finish.
“Don’t stop,” he murmured.
Learn more about Cari on her website. Want more of Ex Appeal? It's right here. You won't be disappointed.
awesome interview, lynne! you really do get my girl to open up and talk a bit. she's not good at talking about herself in the least..but get her talking about writing and you do have a prayer. ;)
i'm so glad other people are learning about her. thanks for having her on your blog so much.
Loved the interview! ;) I love The Blue Oyster Cult (and Fleetwood Mac!).
So excited about your new release, Cari!; D
Taryn, I LOVE having Cari on the blog. Not only is she a damn good writer, and I love everything she's written, she's quirky and fun. ; )
Jaime, that makes three of us. The day I did this interview, I listened to the Best of Fleetwood Mac for the rest of the day and BOC on-line.
Another Fleetwood Mac fan here!
Awesome interview, Lynne! And Cari, I totally adore you!! Loved Ex Appeal! Couldn't get enough of Jenny and Ty and it was so nice to revisit with Alex and Holly but Haley's got me impatiently awaiting Giving it up!! Colossal congrats again : )
Didn't Cari do a great job making you curious about Haley? ...without even putting her in the book!? Just the descriptions of the beach house made me want to know more about Holly's sister.
Thank you so much for stopping by!
Thanks so much to Lynne for her great questions and her patience in waiting to receive the interview back from me. For four months, LOL. No one ever's called me early, that's for sure.
Thanks also to my girls for stopping by. I know I can always count on the four of you for support and I really appreciate it. And I'm also glad you're excited to read Haley's story - now I need to finish it!
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